Friday, May 17, 2013

Dinosaurs vs Aliens - Part 1

Ancient carvings, they painted dinosaurs with humans, sometimes the humans are even riding in the back of dinosaurs! The fossilized tracks of the dinosaurs and men discovered side by side. It was found footprints, dinosaurs and other type of fossils coexisting with the human ones. High radiation levels were found in dinosaurs bones.

Did the dinosaurs fall victims of a cosmic collision? Or were they deliberately killed off? Is it possible that what we have here was not extinction but an extermination event? Millions of people around the world believe we were visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings, what if it was true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, will science reveal the connection between aliens and dinosaurs?

England, 1819, just outside Stones Field a paleontologist discovered several fossilized bones of an enormous unknown animal, including portions of a lower jaw with teeth still in place. Those similar bones were found in the past. Dr Buckland was the first European to officially record the discovery of a dinosaur or, as he called it, a Megalosaurus. Since then dinosaurs have been discovered on every continent in the world.

There was all kind of dinosaurs that have been found. They lived in all different sorts of environments: deserts, subtropical forests, by the sea shore… There are thousands species of dinosaurs that we know and no doubt thousands more we don’t know. Their range size is from chicken size to the largest land animals ever! The largest land animal that we see today is the elephant and the elephant would be a midget in comparison to one of these dinosaurs!

The dinosaur really speaks to us! Every child have these fascination with dinosaurs and we know they are able to fly, they are able to frighten you, they are to some extent supernatural creatures! One of other things that we know is that in ancient times, everything was bigger, and all the animals were bigger and plants were bigger, everything was gigantic! The world of dinosaurs was completely different from our world. During the ages of dinosaurs many other animals lived there: you have reptiles swimming in the ocean, flying-reptiles flying through the heads of dinosaurs, you also have insects, mammals, amphibians, and other creatures. But dinosaurs were the king of land! We imagine in sci-fi films what it would be like to travel to an exotic, exciting, strange alien world, were these giant creatures roaming around the planet, and it happened here or Earth in our pre-history!

While scientists have been studying fossils of dinosaurs for nearly 200 years, their theories about what these creatures were and how they lived often change with each new discovery. Scientist interpret dinosaurs now as being much more active, many of them were feathered, probably worm blooded, move very fast. Essentially dinosaurs were very atypical reptiles if you want but we still have a lot to learn about dinosaurs.

But while paleontologists continue to discover information on the lives of dinosaurs, ancient astronaut theorists believe there is maybe an other-worldly connection to their demise! When looking at dinosaurs there is an essential key questions that we really need to be answered. We don’t know their level of intelligence; we don’t really know what happened to them; more importantly, where did they came from?

Scientists truly believe that dinosaurs ruled this planet for 165 million years, in comparison modern Homo sapiens, humans, have only be here by 200 thousand years! So dinosaurs are by far the dominant species in the history of this Earth! Dinosaurs could very well have been an early experiment by extraterrestrials, with life on Earth!

This planet was capable to support life in millions, if not, billions of years! What scientists believe is that dinosaurs were the dominant species until an catastrophic event 65 M.a. ago. There was a mass extinction that exterminated essentially 50% of what was alive, among the 50% are the last dinosaurs that lived during the ages of dinosaurs like the T-rex.
It is possible that aliens may have wanted to trade out the dinosaurs for a more intelligent species of their likeness and the Earth was the perfect place to do it! 

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